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Dr. Anastasios D. Tsaousis

Anastasios (Tasos) Tsaousis is the Principal Investigator of the Laboratory of Molecular and Evolutionary Parasitology at the University of Kent. The current research of his laboratory is focused on the investigations of the adaptations of microbial eukaryotic organisms (e.g. Cryptosporidium, Blastocystis, Naegleria, Gregarines, ciliates), and their course in parasitic evolution and diversity. 

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Current lab Members

Ms. Daisy Shaw​

PhD student

Project: Multi-omics approach to establish culturing systems for Blastocystis

ds689 {at} 


Mr. Yaseen Majid Salman Al-Adilee

PhD student

Project: Investigating parasitic diseases in Iraq under One Health perspective

ya236 {at}


Mr. William Edwards

PhD student

Project: The effects of gut microbiota in regenerative agricultural practices



Mr. Christian Hollingbery 

PhD student

Project: The effects of soil eukaryotic microbes (protists/protozoa) in regenerative agricultural practices

ccgh2 {at} 


Ms Hannah Morris

PhD student

Project: Establishing a shrimp culturing system to study the biology of gregarines 

hm456 {at} 


Dr. Daphne Mavrides 

PhD student at the University of Nicosia

Project: Prevalence and effects of Cryptosporidium in Cypriot dairy farms

mavrides.d {at}​​


Ms. Kalliopi Pantzi

MSc by Research student

Project: Establishing a Cryptosporidium culturing system

kp605 {at} 


Ms. Abbey Ruffell

MSc by Research student

Project: Enhancing the microbiome of the black solider fly larvae for regenerative agriculture practices

alr34 {at} 


Mr. Przemek Wieckowski

MSc by Research student

Project: Investigation Cryptosporidium - microbiome interactions in dairy cows

pjw50 {at} 









Past members:


Dr. Lyne Josse        

Postdoctoral fellow (NIBB - BBSRC & Gates Foundation)

Project: Cryptosporidium culturing and drug-screening

Current position: Lecturer in Applied Biosciences, University of Kent (UK)


Dr. Lyto Yiangou        

Postdoctoral fellow (BBSRC)

Project: Exploring the anaerobic adaptations of the mitochondrion-related organelles of Blastocystis


Dr. Jan Pyrih            

Postdoctoral fellow (Moore Foundation)

Project: Screening & developing genetic tools for Naegleria to be used as a model for elucidating

the adaptations of marine microbial eukaryotes

Current position: Postdoctoral research fellow at the University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic)


Dr. Nicola Baker        

Postdoctoral fellow (BBSRC)

Project: Exploring the anaerobic adaptations of the mitochondrion-related organelles of Blastocystis and Proteromonas.

Current position: Postdoctoral fellow at the University of York (UK)


Dr. Eleanna Kazana

Postdoctoral fellow (Moore Foundation)

Project: Developing a CRISPR-Cas9 transfection system for Naegleria gruberi



Dr. Ronan Egan    

PhD student - co-supervised with Dr. Tobias von der Haar

Project: Recombinant expression of a protozoan scaffold protein improves Iron-Sulfur biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


Dr. Christopher Miller        

PhD student

Project: Establishing Cryptosporidium parvum as a model organism.

Current position: Research Scientist in Bio-Rad


Ms. Tansy Vallintine        

MSc by Research student co-supervised with Dr. Wei-Feng Xue

Project: Developing Novel Imaging Techniques for AFM Analysis of Live Cryptosporidium Oocysts Under Physiological Conditions.


Mr. Christopher Warren    

MSc by Research student

Project: Investigating the Biochemical and Organellar Adaptations of Proteromonas lacertae


Mr. William Mosedale        

MSc by Research student

Project: Host-Parasite Interactions of Cryptosporidium

Current position: PhD student at the University of St. Andrews (UK)


​Mr. Alexander Bones        

MSc by Research student - co-supervised with Prof. Martin Michaelis

Project: Developing in vitro culturing techniques of the Apicomplexan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum.

Current position: PhD student at the University of Oxford (UK)


Ms. Charlotte More        

MSc by Research student - co-supervised with Prof. Martin Michaelis

Project: Establishing a novel drug screening method against the Cryptosporidium parasite. 

Current position: PhD student at Newcastle University (UK)


Mr. Jake McGreig        

MSc by Research student - co-supervised with Dr. Mark Shepherd 

Project: Haem Biosynthesis, Utilisation, and Acquisition in Ciliates and other Protists. 

Current position: PhD student at the University of Kent (UK)


​Mr. Luke Williams        

MPhil Research student –  co-supervised with Dr. Mark Wass

Project: Investigations on the Mitochondrial Protein Composition of Microbial Eukaryotes from Diverse Physical Environments.


​Ms. Shelly-Ann Fung        

MSc by Research student

Project: Exploring the functions of Cryptosporidium mitochondrial-related organelles


​Ms. Tracey Purton        

Research Technician/Laboratory Manager

Project: Development of transfection systems in microbial parasites


Dr. Cláudia Ribeiro

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Project: Health for Dairy Cows​


Dr. Ruben Escolano

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Project: exploring Cryptosporidium host-parasite interactions​


Dr. Emma Betts        

Postdoctoral Research fellow funded by the Moore Foundation

Project: Exploring the symbiotic roles of gregarines using a combination of 'omics.​


Dr. Pedro Pinto

PhD student

Project: Health for Dairy Cows


Dr. Jamie Newton         

PhD student funded by Kent Health

Project: Blastocystis prevalence in health and Disease


Dr. Sadiya Maxamhud

PhD student funded by the Global Challenges Doctoral Center

Project: Prevalence of microbial parasites under One Health perspective


Ms. Sumaiya Hoque

MSc by Research student

Project: Health 4 Dairy cows


Ms Zoe King

MSc by Research student

Project: Developing new models for Blastocystis culturing


Mr. Robert Abbot

MSc by Research student

Project: Health 4 Dairy cows


Mr. Christopher Warren 

Research Technician

Project: Health 4 Dairy Cows


Ms. Isabel Richards

MSc by Research student

Project: Establishing protocols for identifying methanogens in soil


Ms. Bethany Reynolds

MSc by Research student

Project: Cryptosporidium transporters 


Mr. Anthony Allan-Cardoso​​

MSc by Research student

Project: Establishing culturing systems for gregarines


Ms. Abi Girl Sanda

MSc by Research student

Project: Blastocystis epidemiology


Ms. Maira Koutsaimani

MSc by Research student

Project: Naegleria Fe-S cluster assembly machinery


Ms. Elizabeth Tikoisuva

MSc by Research student

Project: Blastocystis circulation in a wildlife park  


Mr. James Skerritt

MSc by Research student

Project: Blastocystis SUF machinery 

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